US Schools Working To Manage Influx of Migrant Students

Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

( – Some American public schools are reportedly taking in waves of migrant students, which has led to education among many migrant children but also challenges for school systems in cities and towns across the US.

Amy Quealy, the English Language Education Director of Stoughton, Massachusetts said that school officials are being asked to “mitigate the disruptions” students are grappling with, not only from their journeys to the US but from relocations within the US as well. Many students who enroll are also dealing with traumatic histories and a lack of language skill, even in their native tongues.

A recent report primarily discusses the situation in areas like Peabody and Stoughton, where schools have continued to take more migrant students due to efforts to consolidate shelters. This is being done to both cut costs and give migrants greater access to social services. The situation has prompted a need for more teaching space and more teachers.

Josh Vadala, the superintendent of Peabody’s school district, revealed that the school year has seen 80 new arrivals of migrant students. He said he has been doing his best to reassure people that no students are missing out as a result, adding that this is when “animosity” occurs.

Massachusetts is required to provide shelter to any of the families who need it, which is why many Haitians have gone to the state. Stoughton’s school district, which has around 3,740 students, has incurred over $500,000 due to increased busing and staff costs from the influx of shelter students, many of whom are migrants. 

State shelters have also reached capacity following the increase in migration. The state of Massachusetts has reportedly also spent around $26 million since late 2022 in order to reimburse the districts for the increase in students.  

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