Hot Springs Shut Down Indefinitely After 2 Deaths Within 2 Years

Photo by Taylor Rooney on Unsplash

( – On March 2, a Fox News report revealed that the Sequoia National Forest’s Miracle Hot Springs had been closed for the foreseeable future following two deaths that have taken place in the past couple of years. 

On February 17, a second person was found dead in one of the hot springs tubs. The previous death had been discovered in the same area in October 2022. No information regarding the manner of death was made available to the public, but investigations are reportedly ongoing.

In a statement, District Ranger Al Watson pointed out how important public safety was to Forest Service officials. He added that following the attribution of a second death to the hot springs, the area will remain closed off until they find a way to address the situation long-term. According to the statement, all access to the tubs, hot springs, and general area is going to be blocked off. 

Sandy Flat Campground, which is located near the area, is going to continue being available and open for reservations. 

The hot springs in question are found in Sequoia National Forest at an elevation of 2,300ft. They are currently under the management of the Forest Service, Kern River Conservancy, and Hot Springs Angels. 

In 2020, there was damage to the hot springs that was determined to be minor, and a statement at the time noted that the damage was only cosmetic. No particular information regarding the damage was made available when it happened. Recreation and Law Enforcement staff had inspected the area to examine the damage. 

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