Biden Cut Off During Press Conference While He’s Still Speaking

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – On September 10, President Biden’s team seemed to suddenly stop his Vietnam press conference by speaking over Biden who was at the time talking to a reporter. Someone could be heard the reporters for attending the conference.

The President’s press conference in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, took place after the G20 summit in New Delhi, India. During the press conference, Bidden answered five questions asked by reporters before announcing that he would be “going to bed.” However, while he was still speaking, some could be heard speaking over him and thanking everyone in attendance before putting an end to the press conference.

Despite Biden’s claims that he was heading to bed, he continued to answer questions as CNN’s Jeremy Diamond asked about whether or not the President was placing the strategic interests of the U.S. above human rights.

Later on, Diamond discussed the incident on CNN, noting that Vietnam is the “third-largest jailer of journalists” and that previously Biden had claimed that there was nothing he placed “above human rights.” He has also claimed that he has brought up human rights issues with all the leaders he has met, including the general secretary of Vietnam.

A White House official stated that during the press conference, Biden provided substantial answers to the questions asked by seven reporters. They said that this was a “distraction” and that it would serve readers to more closely look into Biden’s answers about human rights, climate change, and the relations with Indo-Pacific countries.

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