Lawyer Offers To Pay Person Who Introduces Her To Her Husband

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

( – Eve Tilley-Coulson, a TikTok creator and attorney, posted on the social media platform in an effort to find a husband. She told “America Reports” on Thursday, July 13 that she had made a bet in the past, and now she wanted to open it up to the rest of the public.

She said that so far, it has been quite interesting to see the results of the search, and she that there were some people who had messaged her and sent her emails. She added that the only thing to do now is to find a way to determine who might be serious candidates.

After posting a video on TikTok in which she called for the “general public” to assist her in her search for Mr. Right in exchange for $5,000, Tilley-Coulson went viral. She said that originally, this was a bet she had made with her former boss, best friend, and a few other friends, but she had decided that it was time to offer the same deal to more people.

She said that anyone who manages to introduce her to her future husband will get $5,000. She considers this money to be a referral fee that is going to encourage people to only bring forward good viable candidates.

In her mind, this is like the referral fee you would pay at any other job. She said that in her own profession, if she brings a new lawyer to the firm, she would get a referral fee for that. Her deal works the same.

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