Americans Warned of IRS Scam

Photo by Paula Hayes on Unsplash

( – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a warning to taxpayers over a new fraud mailing that is trying to fool people into thinking they should expect a refund. The scam is usually in a cardboard envelope and inside the envelope, there is an enclosed letter that features the title of the IRS.

In the letter, there is a reference to an “unclaimed refund” as well as contact details, including a phone number.. However, the information in the letter does not correspond to the IRS’ contact details.

Those who reply back to the letter to claim this refund are also required to provide much of their sensitive information, such as a copy of their driver’s license. In addition, there are spaces provided for people to add their phone number, Social Security number, bank details, and bank routing information. These details are then used by the scammers to attempt and obtain any unclaimed tax refunds or other financial information.

Danny Werfel, the IRS Commissioner, said in a statement early in July that this is the latest attempt made by identity thieves to either steal money or identifying information from people. These scams will often use emails, mail, or text, which is why people should always be aware of the risks and how to spot warning signs.

Some of the most common visual indicators of a scam include an inconsistent use of fonts, odd punctuation, and other inaccuracies in the text, according to the IRS. The agency also stresses that it will never reach out about payments or refunds using email or direct messaging by mobile device.

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