Young Man Faces Charges for Disturbing Crimes

Photo by YoonJae Baik on Unsplash

( – Thomas Martel, 22, from Chicago, ended up in police custody after he allegedly tortured and killed several cats.

Martel is going to face six felony counts for animal torture and for aggravated cruelty to animals. He allegedly killed three of the cats that were in his care. According to the local news report, the kittens he killed looked similar and were all named Shelly. The report also revealed that Shelly was the name that he gave to every new kitten that he purchased.

On Tuesday, July 11, Judge Kelly McCarthy said during the bail hearing that there is a pattern in this case of Martel killing an animal and then going and getting an additional one. Martel would kill the replacement and buy another, repeating the cycle over a lengthened time period. The judge further stated that this sadly led to the deaths of multiple animals.

Chicago officers reportedly discovered three deceased kittens that were at Martel’s apartment in Wicker Park. According to reports, the suspected ended up turning himself in to the authorities after his girlfriend found out about his disturbing habits. She claimed to have witnessed some of his actions and said a neighbor sent her a video of the abuse.

Prosecutors said that Martel admitted his actions to his girlfriend and that he had been doing it since he was a child. It’s reported that he was taking medication for mental health issues at the time, but that he also had a habit of drinking and taking narcotics.

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